
Professor Dr. Heinz Gärtner


Prof. Dr. Heinz Gärtner, born in Austria in 1951, is lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna and at Danube University in Krems. He was academic director of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs. He has held various Fulbright Fellowships and the Austrian Chair at Stanford University. He was Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington DC. Among other things, he chairs the advisory board of the International Institute for Peace in Vienna and of the commission Strategy and Security of the Austrian Armed Forces. He published widely on issues of international security, transatlantic relations and the Middle East. Heinz Gärtner received the Bruno Kreisky (legendary former Austrian Chancellor) Award for most outstanding Political Books.



die Ukraine im Krieg: ist Frieden möglich (LIT-Verlag: Münster, 2022).

Das Nuklearabkommen mit dem Iran (LIT-Verlag: Münster, 2022).

Neutral Beyond the Cold, edited by Pascal Lottaz and Heinz Gärtner and Herbert Reginbogin (Lexington: New York, 2022).

China and Eurasia: Rethinking Cooperation and Contradictions in the Era of Changing World Order, edited by Mher D Sahakyan and Heinz Gärtner (Routedge: London & New York, 2021).

Iran in the International System – Iran between Great Powers and Great Ideas, Heinz Gärtner and Mitra Shamoradi (ed.), (Routedge: London & New York, 2020).

Internationale Sicherheit und Frieden (International Security and Peace), (Nomos: Baden-Baden), 2018.

Der Kalter Krieg (The Cold War), (Marix-Wissen: Wiesbaden), 2017.

Engaged Neutrality: An evolved Approach to the Cold War, Heinz Gärtner (ed.), (Lexington/Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland), 2017.


“Dual-neutrality for the Koreas: a two-pronged approach toward reunification (together with Pascal Lottaz), Defense & Security, 2022, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14751798.2022.2085109.

“Westliche Ideen zur Neutralität Zentraleuropas und Deutschlands”, International II/2022, 27-29.

„Österreichs Neutralität – Modell für die Ukraine?“ Welt Trends, Nr. 187, Mai 2022, 28-33.

„Global Conflict and Multilateralism“, The new transatlantic relations and the perspectives of the global order, Valentin Naumescu/Raluca Moldovan/Anda Ghilescu (Eds.), Babeș‐Bolyai University Cluj‐Napoca Faculty of European Studies, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2021, 49-64.

„Iran als langjähriges Feindbild”, Länderbericht USA (Bundeszentrale politische Bildung, 2021), 557-565.

„Die Welt im Umbruch und der Iran“, Weltwandel: Neuausrichtung der internationalen Beziehungen, Markus Ferber (Hrsg.), (Hanns Seidel Stiftung: lau verlag, 2021).

“Eurasia between Multipolarity and Multilateralism”, China and Eurasia: Rethinking Cooperation and Contradictions in the Era of Changing World Order, edited by Mher D Sahakyan and Heinz Gärtner (Routedge: London & New York, 2021).

„Ein neues Selbstbewusstsein des Iran bei den Wiener Verhandlungen“, International VI 2021, 9-10.

„Das Nuklearabkommen und der neue iranische Präsident“, International IV, 2021, 35-39.

“Die ersten hundert Tage Außenpolitik der Präsidentschaft Biden“, International II/2021, 8-13.

“Engaged Neutral States”, iGlobe News (September 6, 2021).

“Georgian Neutrality: An Alternative to the Atlantic Course?” (together with Maya Janik), Neutral Beyond the Cold, edited by Pascal Lottaz and Heinz Gärtner and Herbert Reginbogin (Lexington: New York, 2021).

“Global Conflict and Peace in the Corona and Post-Corona Era”, Understanding International Politics after Covid-19: Challenges, Issues and Perspectives,, Mahdi Javdani Moqaddam & Amir Mohammad Esmaeili (ed.), (Teheran: Imam Sadiq University Press, 2020).

„Das Nuklearabkommen und der neue iranische Präsident“, International, IV/2021, 35-39.

„Die ersten hundert Tage Außenpolitik der Präsidentschaft Bidens“, International, II/2021, 8-12.

„Ein neutrales Afghanistan wäre für alle die beste Option-Nach dem US-Abzug sollte die EU eine Sicherheitskonferenz für die Region ins Leben rufen“ (Gastkommentar), Wiener Zeitung, 27. August, 2021).

“Normalization and the balance of power in the Middle East: There is only one explanation for the normalization deals between Arab states and Israel: the geopolitical position of Iran”, Mondoweiss, December 29, 2020.

„Overcoming geopolitical insecurity: Making the case for a neutral Ukraine according to the Austrian model” (together with Maya Janik), Ukraine in the crosshairs of geopolitical power play, Peter W. Schulze, Winfried Veit (ed.) (Campus: Frankfurt/Main, 2020), 129-160.

“Global Conflict and Peace in the Corona and Post-Corona Era”, Understanding International Politics after Covid-19: Challenges, Issues and Perspectives, Mahdi Javdani Moqaddam & Amir Mohammad Esmaeili (ed.) (Imam Sadiq University Press, 2020).

“How the Iran nuclear deal can be saved” (together with Marc Finaud and Bernd W. Kubbig, Responsible Statecraft, March 5, 2020.

 “Europe’s Goal Should be Helsinki”, OSCE Yearbook, (Nomos: Baden-Baden, 2020), 41-52.

“The Model of Neutrality: The Example of East-European-States”, Permanent Neutrality, Herbert Reginbogin/Pascal Lottaz (Ed.), (Lexington: London-New York, 2020), 89-110.











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President of the VIIMES

Ambassador Soltanieh

Born on 1st October 1950, Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh as nuclear scientist and multilateral diplomat has been active as participant/guest speaker in over 200 international and regional conferences, specifically on international security, WMD Non- proliferation and Disarmament since 1982.
He has served two times as the Resident Representative to the IAEA (1982-87; 2006-2013). During the first mission to the IAEA, he was simultaneously the Chief Negotiator and Head of Delegation to the United Nations Conference on Promotion of International Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (PUNE). He has been fully involved in the NPT conferences since 1982.
He served as Ambassador to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva (1999-2002) & Vienna (2006-2013).
While serving as DPR in Geneva (1999-2002), he was the Chief Negotiator on the Protocol of Biological Weapons Convention as well as delegate to the Conference of Disarmament (CD).


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